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Friday, July 19, 2013

Marble Sculpture

Here is my first marble sculpture. I did not make a clay model because I could just use my own hand as a model. I like sculpting marble, it is now my first choice for sculpting. I found sculpting down to where I want is kinda nice, instead of building up, and constantly fixing everything as ya go. There is not much info on sculpting marble, a few videos of people sculpting, but they don't give away any secrets. One day I'll have to go to Italy and take a vacation/sculpting class.

I got a commission for a marble sculpture before I even finished this one, two actually. The first one (black and white dog) is going to be difficult because I said I could splice two different color stones together . At first I thought I was only doing a black patch on his face and one ear. Then I saw other pics of him and his body is at least half black. So this sculpture is going to be a real challenge, but well worth it. The other is a black horse head with a white star. Not so bad, I'm sure I can inlay the white star on black marble.

I also went searching for local stone. I knew from building a rock wall on my house (sold that house) that there is some sedimentary rocks up the Blackfoot River Canyon which are colored red, purplish, and green. I tested their sculpt-ability and it looks like they might work. I've been putting off starting one, but will start shortly, as soon as I'm done procrastinating. Or I should say letting my creativity ferment till it explodes, that sounds more artsy. Coffee helps too. One more cup? Yeah. 

A little about sculpting this: I started to make a woman turning her head with her chin against her shoulder, looking kinda sly, or shy. It was coming along and then the nose just popped right off. So I turned it into a fist. I knew it wasn't quite wide enough for a full sized fist, but to make it smaller so that it would be to scale meant removing a whole lot more rock, so I just went with it. Also not enough stone where the thumb would be, went with that too. I think it looks pretty good, a little narrow and the thumb isn't quite what I wanted but It was a good experiment in "making it work."

About the nose popping off: I noticed upon finishing that a crack runs across the thumb and into the first finger. I suppose that crack probably ran where the nose used to be because it took very little to pop it off. I was using my point chisel pointed away from the nose and barely tapping and it took off the whole nose. To pop off such a large piece isn't that easy even when trying.

If you're interested in commissioning any of my past sculptures into marble, or your own ideas, contact me. I would love to do a large monument sized sculpture.You can see my other sculptures at if the link doesn't work, copy and paste, that will.


  1. Incredible Sculputures - While creating beautiful marble sculptures out of stone, artists go through incredibly by the painful process of carefully choosing the right tools & techniques best suited for the design.

    1. Thanks Neeraj. When people ask me how I sculpt stone and I say mostly a hammer and chisel, their response is; I don't have the patience for that. There is something nice about it when you're in the sculpting zone.

  2. As it is your first marble sculpture its looks so nice and beautiful. I know carving is difficult but I hope you enjoyed it. Good Luck! Keep sharing your art.

    Marble Statue

  3. how did you make this and what are the materials that you use to crate this
