For some reason I got it in my head to sculpt marble. Never thought I would want to sculpt stone. Wood was bad enough. Wood though has grain, and knots, and splits when you don't expect it to, due to cross grain and knots. Marble on the other hand is uniform in texture. I bought a small piece and a starter set of tools (I see I need more) and away I went, after watching youtube videos, which weren't all that helpful. Except for what basic tools do, and I only have basic tools.
I took on too much. I thought I would sculpt a woman's face turned into her shoulder. I was doing it, but when I got to chopping out the waste between her nose and her shoulder, her nose popped right off. So now it's going to be a fist. I can use my own fist as a model, so that's a plus. It's working out so far.
You can see where I drew her shoulder. I might not have enough to do the thumb properly. It will be close.
I love sculpting the stone. If I can get this down, this will be my new medium of choice. But I will still sculpt in clay, I need to be able to look at a figure while sculpting in stone. I'm already looking into trips to Italy. Not going to happen anytime soon. There is a marble quarry in Colorado I might visit, it's a lot closer to Montana than Italy. Funny thing, that quarry in Colorado is owned by the company that owns the Carrera quarry in Italy, and most of that stone from Colorado goes to Italy. It must be pretty good stuff. This stone I'm using is Carrera marble. Known for being the best due to it's whiteness and fine crystals. That's what I gather anyway, I'm no expert. So that's what's new. Later.